01.07.2015 3.52 p.m.
1. I am feeling little bit of tension in my body, and as I am beginning to focus my energy in my body, it is really making me feel, gradually and slowly increasing of comfort in my body. This made me feel that my thoughts are really coming to the surface, where I can explore the infinite possibilities grounded in my body, in my mind, in my heart, as it slowly beats the blood to every cell in my body which is really exploding the enthusiasm in my thoughts, and I feel the energy stirring inside me, and my confidence in doing things that motivates me to achieve the fulfillment that I really desire to experience, when I am looking at the soft and tender feeling in my fingers as it touches the keys on the keyboard, and words magically pops on my water like crystal clear and transparent laptop screeen, that's when I am realizing that it is making me feel happier in the moment as I am becoming more and more aware of my bodily sensations and I can be the person who is realizing the true power of my eyes relaxing when the roaring of oceanic waves of love, is singing in my dancing heart when I think of someone who is really curious to expand their feelings of tranquility as they are beginning to remember that it is not necessary to dive deep into the sky of that planet where the air is formed of deep trust like mother's eyes, and my wings started opening the soft corners before it were really wanting to fly deeper and higher into the sky. My eyes were looking at the blue and white sky and the air was blowing and roaring like tiger with all the freshness of morning hot coffee. I was really thinking of the time when I might have born, and as I am really feeling the air and time of my birth, I was suddenly realizing that I am looking right at my body, from the outside. I am feeling so much of peace growing inside my mind and body, as I was fearless. This fearlessness stepping in my thoughts and my body is not really I am driving in my body, but it is occuring to me as I am connecting to the real self, the higher self, of me, who is brighetening itself, brigheter than sun, and calmer than moon, and smiling with pure love and bliss, and all my sorrows and worries and desires and every attachment really started to vanish in the thin air as if it was never there. I am no longer I as I no longer exists!
2. If thinking of deeper relaxation can be craved by someone who really wishes to sense the natural aroma of their soul and mind, then for me, it's not necessary to notice the feeling that slowly and gently, remind me that if I begin to allow myself to drive into the forest of oppurtunity where all my insecurities and fears are getting ripped apart by the fearless king of the forest, and as I really notice the rejuvenating aroma of that water drop on my cheeks in the morning when chirping of that birds singing is waking me up with all the rising energy of love and peace, I slowly with innocent smile on my face, wiped the soft and cold water drop from my face, and I opened my eyes. I am feeling my body and it wants to feel the heart pumping for all the organs wants to fire the dust in the air and fuel the enthusiasm in it. And, as I am running with my swagger in the forest for the thirst of pure water, I am thinking of someplace in my mind, where I see the soft green grass speaking to me, "Hey, your gratitude and bliss for the pure and absolute calmess is what I have noticed in you since you were born, but the mere enthusiasm and maturity of oceanlike man growing in you is something I have been fascinated by since now. May you find the love and fulfillment." and all of sudden my mind, was more calmer and clear to what I really want to achieve.
I was moving forward faster and faster, but I was not feeling quite happy with the speed. As horse of my heart started rumbling with all the power, the thrill of air on my skin began to caress my love for growth.